Identifying the right solution for broken Genmark GB1E Robots
Case Study:
Identifying the right solution for broken Genmark GB1E Robots
Large European-based Semi Manufacturer
To consistently perform a complete rebuild of Genmark GB1E Robots, decrease lead time, and increase meantime between failures (MTBFs).
Root Cause:
PSI determined that repairing these robots was not sufficient because they required a complete rebuild each time. PSI also identified long lead time parts required from a Japanese manufacturer.
PSI performs a complete rebuild on every GB1E robot, complete with Marathon testing. PSI also stocks long lead time items, drastically reducing overall lead time for our customers.
Annual repairs for Genmark GB1E robots went from 17 per year in 2014 to only 5 in 2015 for this customer due to greatly improved MTBFs and a lead time reduction from 17 weeks to 6 weeks. This is a savings of over $100,000 per year.
• Priority Service Available
• Fast Turnaround Time
• Legacy Tools Support
• One Year from Date-of-Shipment-Warranty
• Registered ISO 9001:2000
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